Here in Wisconsin, we are no stranger to storms; especially as of late. Some of our most devastating weather often comes in the spring and summer, when thunderstorms and high winds roll in. High winds, down-pouring rains, and tornado watches aren’t totally uncommon in our parts and they can leave some devastating storm damage in their wake. Luckily, many homeowners insurance policies cover damages from weather like this, so that you can get the repairs you need. But how do you go about filing an insurance claim after a storm and what do you do if caught in insurance disputes? As the trusted professionals here to help with insurance disputes in Wisconsin, we are here to give you a quick rundown of what you should do after a damaging storm.

When heavy rains, wind or a falling tree limbs wreak havoc, your first step is to make sure everyone is safe and your home is safe to be in. Do not go outside if it is still storming out or if it’s possible tree limbs could still break and fall, even if you suspect your home or property has been damaged. Wait until the weather clears up and it is safe to venture outdoors. As soon as it’s safe to do so, go outside and slowly walk around the perimeter of your home. Take note of any damage you see, even if it’s only a small amount. Then, you should pick up the phone and call the experts at Norcia Insurance Consultants. We will be able to walk you through every step in the process. Even if you are unsure whether the damage warrants an insurance claim, experts like those at Norcia can get you the help you need to get you started. Even if a claim is fairly minor, like a cracked or broken window that won’t exceed your annual deductible, you should still report that damage.
You don’t even need to contact your insurance company to file insurance claims directly. With assistance from the experts at Norcia, we can take care of this for you. We can come to your home, talk to your insurance company for you, explain to you what is unfolding, clarify all aspects of the paperwork and go over contracts to help you understand them.
Already file an insurance claim and don’t feel you are getting the help or payout you deserve? Norcia Insurance Consultants are also experts in solving insurance disputes to help you get what you’re entitled to.
For more information about filing insurance claims or for help with insurance disputes in Wisconsin, call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677), or you can contact us to set up your Free Consultation.