Norcia Insurance Consultants - (866) 512-LOSS

Insurance Claims Tips from Seasoned Insurance Claims Adjusters

So you’ve experienced a problem that warrants an insurance claim. When should you tell your insurance company? Should you tell your insurance company? How do you know everything you’re entitled to? These are just a few of the questions many homeowners have when the worst happens and it’s time to file a claim. As seasoned, trusted insurance adjusters for Green Bay and the surrounding areas, we would like to answer these questions and more to help you know what to do in the event it’s time to file a claim. And, if you still have additional questions about your claim, please don’t hesitate to give our insurance adjusters a call for help, guidance and information about the process. We can even offer you a free consultation.

insurance adjusters Green Bay

First, when to file a claim. Typically, it’s in your best interest to make a claim as soon as possible. The sooner you make a claim, the sooner you can start the repair, remediation, and recovery process. However, if you would like guidance from the very beginning, contact our insurance adjusters and we can file a claim for you.

Also, insurance companies expect you to mitigate losses using resources available to you. If your home has recently experienced flooding, fire, or roof damage from a storm, then you have a responsibility to limit this damage wherever possible. You may not be an insurance expert or understand much of your insurance policy, but we can help you understand these conditions and what is expected.

How do you know if you should file a claim at all? First, establish an inventory of all of the items and property that have been lost, damaged, or stolen. Make detailed notes about how, where, and why the damage occurred. Then, estimate how much it will cost to repair or replace any of your damaged or stolen property. If you’re unsure how much it will cost to repair the damage, contact our insurance adjusters and we can help you to assess the damages.

How do you know what you’re entitled to? This is information that you should be able to find out from your insurance company. However, unfair claims settlement practice can keep you from this information. This is the improper avoidance or reduction of a claim by an insurance company. There are many methods or tactics that insurance companies might use to unfairly handle the settlement of claims. To avoid this and to have someone fighting by your side and not the insurance company, you should enlist the help of a third party like one of our insurance adjusters here at Norcia Insurance Consultants. We can be there every step of the way. We can fill out and file all of your paperwork, and we can even speak to your insurance company on your behalf.

To learn more about our trusted, professional insurance adjusters in Harrisburg and to set up a free consultation, call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 1-866-512-LOSS (5677).