When you’re depending on an insurance claim to pay for damages your home has tragically sustained, the last thing you want to hear from your insurance company is that your claim has been denied. While it is possible that the claim simply isn’t covered by your policy, in our experience, many denied claims should actually be paid. Here at Norcia Insurance Consultants, we are experts in insurance claims here in Minnesota and work to get homeowners what they deserve. That’s why, to help homeowners understand the process, we’ve put together some information that can help move a claim from the ‘denied’ pile to the ‘paid’ pile.

For one, there are a few reasons a claim can be denied right off the bat. A claim may be denied if damage isn’t documented well enough. This includes taking pictures and video of your property damage. You should record all evidence of the damage. It’s essential to record and keep everything. For example, if roof tiles fall off from wind damage, keep them. Just like taking pictures and video of the damage, keeping your actual damaged material provides important evidence and clues as to the cause of the damage.
And, when your insurance representative comes to the scene of the damage, be sure not to speculate or say anything that may hurt your claim. Insurance policies contain many complicated provisions that can provide or take away coverage.
And remember, once your insurance company has denied your claim they consider it a closed case. But you shouldn’t. Before you even begin the insurance claims process you should contact an insurance claim consultant like one at Norcia to help you through the process step by step. We will work for you, not the insurance company, to help you get what you’re entitled to. You won’t even need to contact your insurance company to file insurance claims directly. With assistance from the experts at Norcia, we can take care of this for you. We can come to your home, document damages, talk to your insurance company for you, explain to you what is unfolding, clarify all aspects of the paperwork and go over contracts to help you understand them.
Give us a call at Norcia and we can help you every step of the way. Are you interested in learning more about help with insurance claims in Minnesota? Call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or Request a Free Consultation.