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Help With Insurance Claims in Minnesota & WisconsinInsurance Claims Assistance Minnesota & Wisconsin

Summer Storm Damage & Filing an Insurance Claim

Here in Wisconsin, we are no stranger to storms; especially as of late. Some of our most devastating weather often comes in the spring and summer, when thunderstorms and high winds roll in. High winds, down-pouring rains, and tornado watches aren’t totally uncommon in our parts and they can leave some devastating storm damage in their wake. Luckily, many homeowners insurance policies cover damages from weather like this, so that you can get the repairs you need. But how do you go about filing an insurance claim after a storm and what do you do if caught in insurance disputes? As the trusted professionals here to help with insurance disputes in Wisconsin, we are here to give you a quick rundown of what you should do after a damaging storm.

insurance disputes

When heavy rains, wind or a falling tree limbs wreak havoc, your first step is to make sure everyone is safe and your home is safe to be in. Do not go outside if it is still storming out or if it’s possible tree limbs could still break and fall, even if you suspect your home or property has been damaged. Wait until the weather clears up and it is safe to venture outdoors. As soon as it’s safe to do so, go outside and slowly walk around the perimeter of your home. Take note of any damage you see, even if it’s only a small amount. Then, you should pick up the phone and call the experts at Norcia Insurance Consultants. We will be able to walk you through every step in the process. Even if you are unsure whether the damage warrants an insurance claim, experts like those at Norcia can get you the help you need to get you started. Even if a claim is fairly minor, like a cracked or broken window that won’t exceed your annual deductible, you should still report that damage.

You don’t even need to contact your insurance company to file insurance claims directly. With assistance from the experts at Norcia, we can take care of this for you. We can come to your home, talk to your insurance company for you, explain to you what is unfolding, clarify all aspects of the paperwork and go over contracts to help you understand them.

Already file an insurance claim and don’t feel you are getting the help or payout you deserve? Norcia Insurance Consultants are also experts in solving insurance disputes to help you get what you’re entitled to.

For more information about filing insurance claims or for help with insurance disputes in Wisconsin, call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677), or you can contact us to set up your Free Consultation.

Hire Locally for Your Storm Damage Roof Repair

When a storm hits, it can be stressful, especially if your home’s roofing or siding is damaged. In addition to getting help with filing your insurance claim, it is also essential you hire a local, trusted roofing and siding company you can depend on for high quality repair and replacement. And, as one of the most trusted names in roofing and siding for the Twin Cities, JTR Roofing is here writing as a guest of Norcia Insurance Consultants to give you a rundown of the reasons to hire locally for your storm damage repair. So, when you need roofing repair after a damaging storm, the second thing you should do after contacting Norcia Insurance Consultants is give us a call here at JTR Roofing.

storm damage

As you and your insurance consultant are assessing summer storm damage, be sure to document everything by taking pictures. You can also do this when our roofing and siding expert comes out to assess the damage. This can be invaluable when filing insurance claims with your insurance company.

And, once all of the paperwork has been taken care of, it is time to address the damage head on. The most important items to tend to are roofing, siding, and gutters. These can all become even bigger problems down the line, especially once winter arrives here in Minnesota.

We will check for any damage and get your roofing back in tip top shape. No matter what your roofing needs, we have got you covered. We will work with you, Norcia and your insurance company to get the repairs you need. And, we have a wide variety of experience with many different customers in addition to homeowners including management companies, townhome associations, churches and more.

When you contact our local roofing contractor, we can even come out to your home and pinpoint any weak areas that could be improved to help avoid damage down the line.

We are a locally owned and operated business, so we know what to look for when it comes to storm damage in the Twin Cities. When a storm does hit, it is important to enlist the help your local roofing company and someone who can help you with the entire insurance claims process.

So, once you’ve made your phone call to Norcia, make JTR Roofing your very next call! If you need roof or siding repairs or replacement, call JTR Roofing 612-419-6906 or Contact Us to learn more. And, for insurance adjusters in Minnesota, contact the experts at Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or Schedule a Free Consultation.

Severe Weather Prep & When to Call an Insurance Adjuster

In Wisconsin and Minnesota, severe weather makes its appearance often. And, as an insurance adjuster for Wisconsin and the surrounding areas, we have seen our fair share of damage to homes and property. Much of this damage comes from severe weather, like storms and tornadoes. So, we’d like to provide you with ways in which to prepare for an event such as this, including when it’s time to call an insurance adjuster for help.

insurance adjuster

When the worst happens and your home sustains damage from a storm, fire or another unexpected event, it is an incredibly stressful time. You might think that you can handle the insurance claims process on your own. However, you should keep in mind that your insurance company is always going to be looking out for its own interests first. But, before you contact an insurance adjuster, here is what you can do to keep you, your family and your property safe:

Have a Plan

Make sure everyone in your family knows where to meet in the event you are separated and what to do in case of severe weather. You should also have a safe area of your home in case of a tornado. This room should be underground if possible and windowless. If this is not available, try to get to a bathroom and into a shower stall or bathtub. Stay there until an all clear sign or until someone comes to get you.

Keep Emergency Supplies

Included in your emergency kit should be a flashlight, batteries, a battery-operated radio, gallons of water, canned food and a first aid kit including band-aids, gauze, hand sanitizer, thermometer and medical tape. Also have a list of emergency contacts and medical insurance cards.

Keep an Eye on the Weather

Always make sure your car has plenty of gas in the event your area is ordered to evacuate. Also, sign up for text message alerts.

When to Call Your Insurance Adjuster

Once it is safe and everyone in your household has been accounted for, take a walk around to your home to see what damage has been done. Take any notes or photos if possible. Call your insurance adjuster to help with your insurance claim once all emergencies are taken care of.

Call on Norcia and their team of insurance adjusters to help you with every aspect of your insurance claim. We can handle the paperwork, documentation and fight to get you the amount you are entitled to for your damages.

Call on us at the first sign of damage to your home. It would also be a good idea to get a hold of us at the moment you start seeing red flags from your insurance company.

Do you want more information on how to hire an insurance adjuster in the Twin cities? Call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or you can contact us to set up your Free Consultation.

Storm Preparedness Helps Your Family Avoid Insurance Disputes

Storm season is upon us. Thunderstorms, wind and hail are not that far off. Preparedness is the key for you and your family to survive storms unscathed. Mother Nature may take her toll on your home and property, but there are steps you can take to ensure all is not lost. If you find yourself in the position of receiving a low-ball offer from your insurance company, you have every right to fight it. Call Norcia Insurance Consultants when damage to your Minnesota home creates an insurance dispute.

Be well aware of the types of potential weather disaster your particular area is prone to. Create your disaster plan, establish what will constitute an evacuation need and where you will go (geographically) from there. Make sure all family members, those beyond kin that you will be including in the evacuation plans (crew, entourage, posse) are on the same page and are aware of the exact plans should that nightmare scenario unfold. If you do not already have one created, set up an emergency preparedness kit that contains first aid items, water, batteries, flashlight and radio, at a minimum.

Some steps you can take to protect your family and your home:

  • Keep gutters free of debris
  • Keep patio furniture on lockdown
  • Mount storm shutters
  • Seek shelter in a basement or interior room when the storm hits
  • Stay on top of weather forecasts
  • Trim tree limbs

After the storm hits a homeowner needs to be prepared for the possibility of damage to their property. Eye up your home’s exterior, make note of items that may be missing or the damage that may have been done. Even the smallest hole created by a piece of hail can open a can of worms of destruction in or on your house. Evidence gathered, review your policy a bit—see what is (or should be) covered. Next, get a hold of your insurance agent to file a claim. A representative from the company will come to your house, assess the damage, get an estimate and you will be offered a payout for what THEY think the repair should cost.

Filing an insurance claim doesn’t have to ugly. Advocates for your cause are a mere phone call away. Help exists to help you through all of the hoops you have to jump through, answering your questions along the way. Talk to the insurance adjusters at Norcia today to learn how we can help you with your insurance disputes.

If you have other insurance disputes in Minnesota, contact us or call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or Schedule a Free Consultation.

What to Do after a Severe Storm

Public Adjuster Green Bay WIAfter a storm or another severe weather event, it can be incredibly stressful – especially if your house sustained any damage. You might not be sure what to do first or where to turn. As a public adjuster serving Green Bay and the surrounding areas, we have helped countless homeowners like you file the insurance claims needed to get their houses fixed. Here are a few suggestions on what to do after a bad storm:

  • You need to think about safety first and foremost. If for any reason you cannot stay in your home, you need to immediately find another place to stay. Ask friends and family for help or stay at a nearby hotel. There could be live power lines that are creating a safety risk, or you might be dealing with flooding, which could include raw sewage and other health risks like that.
  • If your house is fine and nothing is flooded, and if it is safe to go outside again, you need to start documenting the damage. Take a notebook and a camera and start taking pictures of damages and making notes about it. In those notes, make sure you keep track of any potential problems: mold developing, crumbling drywall, etc.
  • Contact us so we can send a public adjuster to your house. Your first consultation is totally free and you are under no obligation to hire us for help. But we think once you talk to us and see how we can help, you will want us to stick around. We can handle the insurance claims process from here, and part of our services is taking inventory of the damages as well. Our public adjuster will be the go-between between you and your insurance company, and we can even file paperwork and speak to the insurance company on your behalf.
  • Finally, be patient. Even with our help, the insurance claims process can take a long time: usually several months. However, our public adjuster will do everything he or she can to speed up the process or, at the very least, keep up with the insurance company so you get your insurance pay-out that much sooner.

Are you interested in learning more about how to hire a public adjuster in Green Bay or any of the surrounding areas? Call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or Schedule a Free Consultation.

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