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Help With Insurance Claims in Minnesota & WisconsinInsurance Claims Assistance Minnesota & Wisconsin

Hire Locally for Your Storm Damage Roof Repair

When a storm hits, it can be stressful, especially if your home’s roofing or siding is damaged. In addition to getting help with filing your insurance claim, it is also essential you hire a local, trusted roofing and siding company you can depend on for high quality repair and replacement. And, as one of the most trusted names in roofing and siding for the Twin Cities, JTR Roofing is here writing as a guest of Norcia Insurance Consultants to give you a rundown of the reasons to hire locally for your storm damage repair. So, when you need roofing repair after a damaging storm, the second thing you should do after contacting Norcia Insurance Consultants is give us a call here at JTR Roofing.

storm damage

As you and your insurance consultant are assessing summer storm damage, be sure to document everything by taking pictures. You can also do this when our roofing and siding expert comes out to assess the damage. This can be invaluable when filing insurance claims with your insurance company.

And, once all of the paperwork has been taken care of, it is time to address the damage head on. The most important items to tend to are roofing, siding, and gutters. These can all become even bigger problems down the line, especially once winter arrives here in Minnesota.

We will check for any damage and get your roofing back in tip top shape. No matter what your roofing needs, we have got you covered. We will work with you, Norcia and your insurance company to get the repairs you need. And, we have a wide variety of experience with many different customers in addition to homeowners including management companies, townhome associations, churches and more.

When you contact our local roofing contractor, we can even come out to your home and pinpoint any weak areas that could be improved to help avoid damage down the line.

We are a locally owned and operated business, so we know what to look for when it comes to storm damage in the Twin Cities. When a storm does hit, it is important to enlist the help your local roofing company and someone who can help you with the entire insurance claims process.

So, once you’ve made your phone call to Norcia, make JTR Roofing your very next call! If you need roof or siding repairs or replacement, call JTR Roofing 612-419-6906 or Contact Us to learn more. And, for insurance adjusters in Minnesota, contact the experts at Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or Schedule a Free Consultation.

Storm Preparedness Helps Your Family Avoid Insurance Disputes

Storm season is upon us. Thunderstorms, wind and hail are not that far off. Preparedness is the key for you and your family to survive storms unscathed. Mother Nature may take her toll on your home and property, but there are steps you can take to ensure all is not lost. If you find yourself in the position of receiving a low-ball offer from your insurance company, you have every right to fight it. Call Norcia Insurance Consultants when damage to your Minnesota home creates an insurance dispute.

Be well aware of the types of potential weather disaster your particular area is prone to. Create your disaster plan, establish what will constitute an evacuation need and where you will go (geographically) from there. Make sure all family members, those beyond kin that you will be including in the evacuation plans (crew, entourage, posse) are on the same page and are aware of the exact plans should that nightmare scenario unfold. If you do not already have one created, set up an emergency preparedness kit that contains first aid items, water, batteries, flashlight and radio, at a minimum.

Some steps you can take to protect your family and your home:

  • Keep gutters free of debris
  • Keep patio furniture on lockdown
  • Mount storm shutters
  • Seek shelter in a basement or interior room when the storm hits
  • Stay on top of weather forecasts
  • Trim tree limbs

After the storm hits a homeowner needs to be prepared for the possibility of damage to their property. Eye up your home’s exterior, make note of items that may be missing or the damage that may have been done. Even the smallest hole created by a piece of hail can open a can of worms of destruction in or on your house. Evidence gathered, review your policy a bit—see what is (or should be) covered. Next, get a hold of your insurance agent to file a claim. A representative from the company will come to your house, assess the damage, get an estimate and you will be offered a payout for what THEY think the repair should cost.

Filing an insurance claim doesn’t have to ugly. Advocates for your cause are a mere phone call away. Help exists to help you through all of the hoops you have to jump through, answering your questions along the way. Talk to the insurance adjusters at Norcia today to learn how we can help you with your insurance disputes.

If you have other insurance disputes in Minnesota, contact us or call Norcia Insurance Consultants at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or Schedule a Free Consultation.

Next Week is Severe Weather Awareness Week

Did you know that April 13 through April 17 is Minnesota Severe Weather Awareness Week? Every year, Minnesota’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) collaborates with the National Weather Service and 16 different state and local agencies and organizations to raise awareness of the seasonal threats that severe weather can bring. The intent is to teach Minnesota residents how to avoid severe weather or, if they cannot avoid the bad weather, what to do before, during and after the severe weather hits.

Severe Weather Awareness Week features two very important events: two statewide tornado drills. On Thursday, April 16, sirens throughout the state will be tested to ensure that they all work properly in the event of a tornado. And these tests are a great time for residents to practice their tornado drills and to educate their families on what to do when the alarm sounds for real. The drills will be held at 1:45 p.m. and 6:55 p.m. During these drills, all statewide sirens will sound off and all NOAA weather radios in Minnesota will also sound the warning alarm.

On average, Minnesota experiences 40 tornadoes a year. The record was set in 2010 when 104 tornadoes touched down throughout the state.

Each day of Severe Weather Awareness Week will focus on a different topic:

Monday: Alerts and warnings

Tuesday: Severe weather, lightning and hail

Wednesday: Floods

Thursday: Tornadoes (including statewide tornado alarm tests and drills)

Friday: Extreme heat

If you visit the Severe Weather Awareness Week site, linked to above, you can get more information about each day’s topics.

Emergency preparedness is especially important this time of year. While the warmer temperatures and milder weather are both great for outdoor activities and fun, the weather can change at the drop of a hat. It can go from sunny and pleasant to stormy and dangerous in a matter of minutes. And when you hear a tornado siren go off, it is imperative that you and your loved ones know what to do and where to go so everyone is as safe as possible.

And if the worst does happen and a tornado or another severe weather event affects you, call us at Norcia Insurance Consultants. We are public insurance adjusters serving the entire state of Minnesota, as well as Wisconsin. Call us when you need help with your insurance claims. We can help make sure you get the money you deserve from your insurance company.

Call 866-512-LOSS (5677) or Schedule a Free Consultation.

Severe Weather: Warning vs. Watch

There are a few ways you can tell for sure if bad weather is coming your way. You may notice the sky get dark or the wind pick up. But, when you’re listening to the television or radio, do you understand what the broadcaster is saying? Knowing the difference between a severe weather watch and a severe weather warning can be lifesaving information. Whenever severe weather strikes, know our team of public insurance adjusters serve Minneapolis, Green Bay and more. Call us to get somebody on your side.

Severe Weather Warning

A severe weather warning is issued when there is a chance that bad weather will strike your area. It means that the weather isn’t an immediate threat, but it’s time to start getting prepared. If there is a tornado warning, pull in your freestanding lawn furniture. If there is a severe thunderstorm warning, it’s time to find the flashlight. Keep your eye on the weather, as a warning may quickly change to a watch, especially with fast moving storms.

Severe Weather Watch

A severe weather watch occurs when there is dangerous weather threatening your immediate area. For example, if there is a flood watch, it means there is flooding occurring in your area at that moment. When you see a severe weather watch, it is time to act. Take shelter, if necessary and take extra precautions.

After Severe Weather

Once severe weather has moved through the area, you may notice some damage around your property. If this is the case, you’ll want to have someone one your side, when dealing with your insurance company. That’s where we come in. Our team is prepared to take on all communication with your insurance company, to help make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Are you in need of a public insurance adjuster? Give us a call today at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or request a free consultation online.

Insurance Claims Help After a Hailstorm

Hailstorms have the tendency to be brief, but damaging. Their impact can vary depending on the size of the hail and the storm’s rate. If you live anywhere in Minnesota or Wisconsin, like Green Bay, insurance claims help is not hard to find. We help people everyday get their lives back on track after a natural disaster strikes. When you’re the victim of a hailstorm, give us a call.

Recent Hailstorm

A little over a month ago, a line of hailstorms tore through several major Minnesota cities, hitting Minneapolis/ St. Paul around 7 p.m. During this line of storms, some cities reported hail up to 3 inches in diameter. The storm lasted about four hours, also producing high winds, thunder, lightning and rain. The result of the storm was major hail and wind damage to many homes and businesses. We can help people seeking insurance claims help, especially those in charge of community associations, condominium owners, townhouse board members and more. No project is too large for Norcia Insurance Consultants.

Preparing for a Hailstorm

Properly preparing your home for a hailstorm can prevent some of the damage. Make sure your trees and shrubs are trimmed regularly. Hail is heavier than rain, which increases the chance of limbs breaking. Also, routine checks of your roof can provide insight on areas that are particularly susceptible to hail damage. Having those areas repaired can save you money in the long run. When you know a hailstorm is on the way, move all vehicles inside and make sure your yard is free of anything that would easily be damaged. If it’s easy to bring inside the house, then do so.

Future Hailstorms

If you experience a hailstorm, damage is inevitable. It’s impossible to completely avoid hail damage to your roof, siding, yard and home. But, you should rest easy knowing that we’re on your side. If you do experience damage from a hailstorm, call our office. We can help you with all your insurance claims.

Need insurance claims help after a hailstorm? Give us a call today at 866-512-LOSS (5677) or contact us online for a free consultation.

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