Public Insurance Adjuster Green Bay

It’s enough to deal with when your Green Bay home was damaged during a storm or natural disaster. However, it only makes matters worse when you don’t get the settlement you deserve from your insurance company. When that happens, don’t go against the insurance company alone. Get Norcia Insurance Consultants on your side.

What is a public insurance adjuster?

A public insurance adjuster is a professional that is employed exclusively by the policyholder, NOT the insurance company. When a Green Bay policyholder is dealing with an insured loss, a public adjuster examines every detail of the claim, and works with the insured party to get a settlement that is prompt and the most equitable. The adjuster’s duties include immediate inspection of the loss site, damage analysis, assembly of claim support data, coverage review and replacement cost determination.

Most important, the insurance adjuster works on YOUR behalf, not the insurance company’s.

If you’re wondering about compensation, the services vary by state, but, in most cases, the fees are represented by a small percentage of the settlement.

Claims we can help with …

Our public insurance adjusters can fight for you when you’ve suffered a loss because of:

  • Natural disasters, like flooding, hurricane, wind damage, tornado and more
  • Building collapses
  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Explosions
  • Vandalism, rioting or civil commotion

About Norcia Insurance Consultants

We work FOR YOU. Get in touch with us now 866-512-LOSS (5677) or request a free consultation!